Saturday, August 05, 2006

Baths and Sleeping bags

So its...8pm sunday. I need another bath. It's hot and seems as though its staying that way.
I finished my degree last week - handed everything in on wednesday and have been kinda kicking back since. I'm not sure how well i did everything but it's out of my hands now I spose.
I don't know what I want.

I don;t want to run away with myself again. I've done that too much. I just want to take a bit of time out and get my back sorted.

I played the last ever show with awkward silence last night at ryde theatre on the iow. I don;t think ive ever had so much fun.

It feels like a chapter of my life is now finished. My sister and her fella came down to see me and i said to them 'maybe after this evening you will understand a bit more about me from when i was a teenager'.
I kinda feel like i want to do something for those kids because dare i say it i dont think that any of the churches in the uk and the island are really doing anything that is relevant to these kids who are angry having sex getting pregnant and getting wasted all the time.

Maybe one day i'll find a purpose.
Maybe one day i'll know what im supposed to do on this planet.
Maybe one day i'll find god for real.

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