Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I tell you what.
There's something that stirs inside of me when I see this video:Point of Difference.
I don;t know why...well I do know. Because I know that is what I want to be doing.

I'm not saying that I want to be hairy and Australian...I mean I'd like to be hairy but that;s besides the point.
The point is that with all the words and things that God has shown me, I still don't have a song that I have written.

Someone said something that kinda sent a shock down my spine today:

'God doesn't get annoyed when we do stuff we can't do. He gets annoyed when we don;t do stuff he's told us we can do.'

Now I've had various words from people about writing songs for church and stuff...and I want so very much to write music. And God himself has told me in a vision I had that 'you sound the way you do because I made you that way.'

It's a battle of valuing who you are enough to take the risks.

I remember I used to sit down and write page after page of words. More just emptying my head of all my teen angst I guess, but the words were coming out.

I PRAY for the integrity and creativity of the Holy Spirit.

(Currently reading The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe and Listening to As Cities Burn - Come Now Sleep)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Just a couple of things:

Here are a couple of points that I nicked from an article on the Relevant Magazine website.

1.) It’s hard to feel all that comfortable when you know you’ve left bits and pieces of your self and your soul behind, and failed to value them the way God does. But they can grow back.

Here’s my word of wisdom from the other side of singleness: It’s who you are when you’re single that sets the course for who you’ll be all your life. Be whole, and yes, holy—don’t give yourself away. You’ll miss the pieces you let go.

I must say...I feel a bit more at ease about life...haha momentarily.


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Let me say

That going it alone is hard. And if I'm honest - no man should have to...well no man does have to does he?

What am I on about?

Well, as I was walking home I was trying to go through some musical ideas in my head and see how they would work for church. You see, I want to write songs for's something that I feel in my blood.
So I was running a couple of little phrases and I was just thinking...what's the difference between a know just a plain song...and something that a congregation/group of people can sing?

I guess as with any kind of creativity, it is a matter of practice...right? Like writing or drawing or's a matter of getting into the flow and getting used to it.

I prayed for a way to record and develop ideas. And I have a laptop infront of me that I am sure God gave me. So now I pray for the integrity and creativity.

In all honesty...I'm tired...and long to get some things out of my spirit.

So I keep praying.

And I keep reading the letters in red..til the end of days.