Monday, March 27, 2006

The masterful feats of the Zorroman

What is it about human nature that makes us guys want to be the heros and the girls want to be the rescueees? Is it that God has programmed us this way? I'm just sitting on my housemates laptop tapping out these thoughts...and it's dumbfounding that in modern society this hero stance that we seem to have so ingrained in our hearts has been drummed out because women want the modern man. Women have mucked things up.
They want the sensitivity but they also want the hero stuff. How does such fundamental instincts such as the hero gene get drummed out of us? I think about it and I don't understand it. I don;t understand what women want. They want a hero with a there such a thing?
So i conclude with a little prayer....
God, give me the courage to be a hero.
Give the boldness to step out of the way and fight.

(Listening to the oohs and aaahs of housemates watching a Zorro sequel...ooh the thrills)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

You knew what this was

Some observations:
- Dreams come and go.
- Music is the soundtrack to our life...just like in hollywood.

And the hollywood thing annoys me. The other day I was walking along the river into Guildford with my ipod gadget listening to Eva Cassidy which is just beautiful. It was a beautiful day aswell which made it worse!! It's like i wanted this walk to be seen by other you see the main character in these scenes and they're pivotal moments in the film that youre enduring. But... it wasn't...and that annoyed me i spose.
I've been taught by hollywood that dreams come true...and I'm learning that they don't as we have been shown...and it pisses me off.
But unlike in hollywood as a christian i see dreams that got puts in the heart of man come true in so much more a satisfying nature. Marriages last, familys work, love lasts. But why?
One thing that seems to be prominent in christian life is that when we do things in our own strength they dont last.
It's like the trinity. Things work in 3's.

God blesses us whatever we do.

Lord bless me in what i do.

(listening to far-less and my gospel choir rehearsals)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I like things to be the same length

So i realise that the last post tht i did about bloggers and indeed my own arrogance was a bit harsh. And I apologise to those who read it.
There was something that was on my mind yesterday as I was cooking my dinner...a good friend of mine has an album of songs called adventures in lofi - a collection of unfinished songs.
And it ocurred to there ever such a thing as an finished work or piece of art? For example...a painting isn't called a work of art until its finished and can be appreciated in its fulness. A song isn't called finished until its finished...until then its a group of ideas...ideas of verses, choruses etc.
So then I ask...what therefore is life? A collection of verses, choruses and brush strokes? Phillipians 1 v 6 says 'And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again.'
What can be taken from this? I suppose that life is a series of brush strokes and as the painter and grand designer, God chooses where and when things go and they are masterful strokes.
One thing that came up in church a couple of weeks ago when we had a guest speaker in from Bath was that God is never early nor late, but ALWAYS on time.
One thing that I as a christian need to do is trust that God will come through with impeccable works. But our modern culture has turned us into a generation and people that want things when we demand them. I'm certainly guilty of it. We all however have the opportunity to trust God with each day in both small and large things.
Trust is hard to give but easy to recieve.
D x

Monday, March 20, 2006

This whole blogging thing

I think it's quite funny that by doing a blog and by publicly posting your inner most thoughts you are therefore in turn putting a high value on what goes on in your own head. So because of this would it be fair to say that millions of people across the world are day by day becoming increasingly more arrogant with the growing confidence in the importance of their own words and knowledge?
Maybe I'm being over analytical.... :-
What's going on today? I just want to ask one question. Whay are we constantly trying to be like other people in our deeds? Granted we need to be Christ like in all that we do as Christians. But in terms of musical writing styling or novel writing or comedians everyone is a combination of predecessors. I spose that as an artist or creative individual your work will almost always be compared and placed next to the work of others that have gone before you. But why is it that critics feel the need to pigeonhole everyone? Is it because of our modern culture? Do we as consumers need the comfort and knowledge that what we are listening to or indulging ourselves in is an extension of our current culture or base of operations creatively? (what a mouthful!)

So I therefore challenge any artists including myself who are reading this or just passing through to set out to do the following: Not to re-write history with what you do - but to indeed WRITE history.

You don't go to your friends 'Oh you're exactly like Paul fromthe Bible' or 'You're character traits are reminiscent of Esther crossed with John the Baptist'. So why paint artists and aswell individuals with the genre brush.
How can this effect our personal lives? Christian or not I suppose my only answer would be that we must instead of modelling ourselves on the individuals in newspapers or magazines we must model ourselves on Christ. Old news isn;t it.
Just goes to show that I am re-writing this stance of critical thinking.
Argh philosophy sucks.

D x

(listening to Pat Metheny)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

weary eyed

It's 7.53 in the am in cloudy Guildford, Surrey. I'm just sitting at my desk listening to the latest Hillsong United album.
I seem to be in a place where I'm questioning everything that christianity is about socially. Like the method and way that we worship in church. Why do we have to follow a set pattern of how ever many praise songs followed by however many worship songs and make sure that we have our connection with God in the time set out for us? Why can't we be in church for 4 hours in the morning and just wait for Gods Spirit to fall on the place and do its thing?
Obviously there are the evident time restrictions that some churches may have with buildings and such. But why are things done the way are done ONLY because that's how they've always been done? (If that makes sense....) Would it be so bad if we were to take church as we are told we should have it, take the spiritual elements that God tells us we should have and then ruffle some feathers?
I suppose it's not something that can change immediatly by just waking up one morning and deciding 'Right lets turn how we do church on it's head!'. Because of the nature of people something like this needs to be done over a prolonged period of time. That's why God gives visions to people and changes hearts and attitudes in an instant i spose. So that these people can deliver new visions and light up new passions.
I don't know...I'm just rambling.
I have to go play at church now.
God bless

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I am SOO pomo

Well, I'm finally here on the post-modernism boat grasping at my 15 minutes of fame of the great stage of the world wide web.
What do I do with this thing? Advertise the various works I do, use it to write down pieces of wisdom from my journal?...I think I'll do the latter.
so that will make everything short and sweet.

The Role of God.
How to christians see God? I think that it's possible for many of us to believe whether a christian or not that God is an accessory. Someone that will when asked for something deliver at the click of a finger *click*.
My revelation from today? God is not a baby sitter. He doesn't run around the house getting everything for you and won't chase you up to bed when you're wasting time playing on the playstation. No.
God is a father. A father that gives opportunity to his sons and daughters. A father that gives the necessary tools to his children and watches with joy when they succeed in the tasks that they set out on. God will go ahead and prepare the way for us. But he isn;t going to make the journey.
That is up to us.

How is this applicable?...I'll get back to you on that one.