Monday, November 06, 2006


I really want to say something worthwhile in this post. I want to make this one count.
Chances are that I'll end up deleting it becase I don;t think that it runs with the profound tone of the other entries of my blog.
I decided ot start taking pictures again.
I went to Wisley garden centre with my parents on Saturday and decided that I wanted to go again at some point this week with my camera...and probably some enjoyable company...if not then I;m quite happy to go on my own.
But I want to start creating. Taking photos.
Looking for those opportune moments.
Trying to capture the beauty of the world around.
Finding inspiration.
Have you ever looked at a photo? really looked and cosidered the before and after-moments?...and also what that photo is implying purely in itself?
Thus begins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wisley's great for photos - some of my efforts are here. Let me know if you fancy going there or anywhere - always up for some camera action.....