Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mini I AM

First of naff as it sounds - I believe I can fly...what a tune! But only when it's done live by Yolanda Adams. I have this live recording that i bought off itunes...AWESOME stuff.

I watched Napoleon Dynamite last night with some cronies at my gaff. I expect I've already put this down somewhere but when i watched it I was struck by a great sense of empathy for the Uncle Rico character who is desperate to go back in time and change some things about his life and alter the way things turned out by living out his dreams. I don't want to be Uncle Rico. & I wont be.

When someone falls in love with you on the premise of what you look like in a photo is that real love?

Since an inspired discussion with some people from my church I've been giving the whole 'what do i want in a wife' thing a tbit of thought. And you know what...i have absolutely no idea what i want in a wife! When the right one comes along you always know. But then again...maybe I am going to go through life without a mate until i actually know what i want? No i don;t believe that. I've heard far too many stories of people who have said 'i don't want any involvement with men/women (applicable to respective genders)' and actually ended up rather soon after that statement meeting their spouse and shacking up! But i don't wanna make a decision kinda half looking over my shoulder expecting something.
Thats not how God works.
God is never early, he is never late...he is always bang on time. That can be frustrating sometimes. But in retrospective it's so much better for us as people. As individuals doing life.

Clearing the air with a friend is always a good thing. Makes life easier.

Listen to the Cinematic Orchestra - Man With a Movie Camera...amazing album.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.